Found Kittens or Litter

Stop, watch, and wait.

Our guide can help you determine if a kitten or litter truly needs human intervention.

If a kitten is cold, unresponsive, very thin, or appears unhealthy, DO NOT feed them. They will need medical care ASAP, so please bring them to your regular veterinarian or Watauga Humane Society.

I have crusty eyes and nasal discharge.
I'm upset and noisy.
My fur is dirty and my bottom is inflamed.
I am thin and malnourished.

Time to intervene

My eyes are clear and I'm not congested.
I'm content and quiet.
My fur is clean and dry.
My belly is full and round.

Don't intervene

Kitten Care

If you do need to intervene and are unable to immediately bring the kitten(s) to us, visit these online resources to learn more about caring for orphaned or neonate kittens.